YES! Another huge benefit is the effectiveness of online therapy! Because of the accessibility and affordability, it removes common obstacles that might get in the way of committing to your healing journey. Also, research has shown that online therapy is just as effective as in-person therapy in treating anxiety, depression, past trauma, and stress reduction [1,2,3,4].
Many of the same methods and interventions used in in-person therapy can effectively be used in online therapy. Furthermore, with the many advancements in technology and video conferencing platforms, it makes it simple to collaborate on goals and action plans.
It's ok to still be hesitant about this fairly new way of therapy. That's why I offer the free consultation to make sure that online therapy is right for you or your child/teen and answer any questions you may have.
Frequently Asked Questions About Online therapy:1. What is Online Therapy/Teleheath/Teletherapy?
What to ExpectWe can conduct a pre-call test to make sure everything is working before we start our sessions (typically will happen immediately before the first session).
You can explore that now by clicking here. We will also discuss setting up a space where you feel comfortable and can limit distractions to carry out our private sessions. I have 2 secure and confidential telehealth options that I currently offer. |
Sasha Baldeosingh, MSc
Mental Health Therapist |
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